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At AI峰会, Attendees Ponder Potential, Limits of AI in Legal Space


By John Murph and Jeremy Conrad


大约50名靠谱的滚球平台、法官、法学教授和技术专家聚集在D.C. 酒吧 headquarters on September 16 for the 酒吧’s second annual AI峰会, 探索法律专业如何最大限度地利用人工智能技术,同时认识到围绕它的道德问题.

D主持.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会主席肖恩·斯奈德, 峰会首先由Ed Walters演示使用人工智能法律工作流程和研究平台Vincent AI, chief strategy officer of vLex and cofounder of Fastcase.

在他的演讲中, Walters posed a hypothetical query on Vincent AI, vLex的产物:“当受害者在抢劫过程中作为共犯被杀时,被告是否会因谋杀罪被起诉??作为回应, Vincent AI制作了一个总结答案的列表,其中包含实际案例文档的超链接以及案例的直接引用.

沃尔特斯还演示了检索增强生成(RAG)工艺,以优化输出,提高准确性和可靠性. RAG过程将研究任务分为两个部分:(1)检索可能有助于回答问题的文件, 然后(2)让AI平台只使用这些检索到的文档来回答问题. Walters说,通过RAG技术,该平台可以根据权威法律给出答案.

For lawyers to get the best use out of AI platforms, Walters said they should be “intelligent consumer[s],” which translates to not trusting artificial intelligence completely. “合法生成人工智能能够给出的两个最重要的答案是:(1)我不知道, and (2) the law is not what you wish it to be. 如果你的人工智能工具不能做到这两件事,我就不愿意使用它。.


但是,法律界应该如何培训靠谱的滚球平台和法律系学生使用生成式人工智能工具? One attendee said that with so much information coming out of the AI space, legal professionals want quick, 互动, 按需培训. 然而,他们经常收到的是关于人工智能的长篇ppt和CLE课程.

生成式人工智能训练的三个方面可能对靠谱的滚球平台有用:实验性学习, 按需培训, and a curriculum that covers the bases and supervision of generative AI, as well as the business and legal information regarding the technology.

峰会还讨论了年轻靠谱的滚球平台和资深靠谱的滚球平台之间的技术差距, the latter often being late adopters of new technology. 监督年轻靠谱的滚球平台使用生成式人工智能工具的资深靠谱的滚球平台需要了解这项技术,以便正确指导他们, 推荐一名与会者, 她补充说,她希望看到更多针对高级靠谱的滚球平台的新兴技术讲座.   

Clients have mixed opinions so far on lawyers using generative AI, possibly driven by concerns about confidentiality, 数据安全, 和计费. 使用生成式人工智能技术并不一定会减少计费时间, 一位与会者指出. Instead, AI is going to cause those billable hours to be reallocated.

Despite the technology’s flaws, it appears that the legal profession is beginning to embrace AI, with three in four lawyers planning to use it in their work, according to a Wolters Kluwer 2023 Future Ready Lawyer Report.


人工智能峰会还探讨了在法学院使用人工智能的机会和障碍. A law professor who specializes in technology, 诉诸司法, and legal ethics issues mentioned the recent preview release of Open AI o1, 一系列新的人工智能模型. Built to take more time thinking, Open AI o1 could tackle complex problems in math and science, and even challenge hypotheses and complete 纽约时报 填字游戏.

To test OpenAI o1’s legal reasoning 和分析 skills, 教授说她使用了她的一个关于性格和习惯的证据测验. 结果是:OpenAI o1花了大约三分钟的时间回答了10个问题, producing correct answers with citations.

Beginning in their first year of law school, students should learn how to use generative AI tools, 发现他们的极限, and understand the underlying ethics issues, 教授说. 然而, 法学院应该加倍重视传统和基础的法律技能,比如研究, 写作, 和分析, 她补充说.

另一位法学教授强调,有必要向法学学生透明地介绍什么是生成式人工智能, how it can and cannot be used in law school, why student policies on AI usage exist, and how those policies will lead them to career success.

尽管在如何将生成式人工智能整合到课堂上,法学院之间仍然没有具体的共识, 人们普遍认为,学生需要先培养“靠谱的滚球平台智能”,然后才能有效地使用人工智能.  

人工智能的指导和使用应该限制在学生在法学院的第一年,这样他们就可以更好地学习如何像传统靠谱的滚球平台一样思考, 教授说, 警告说,如果学生过早地在没有结构的情况下钻研生成式人工智能的法律写作, they risk learning to depend too much on the technology.

Generative AI was described as an auto-predictive tool, akin to the one used in text messaging, 它努力产生一致的平均输出,以取悦用户,但经常出错. 在新手手中, AI will generally produce a low-C or D level work, but when used by a skilled professional, 它有不可思议的潜力, 教授说.

Snyder doesn’t see an endpoint in learning generative AI. “There’s so much opportunity here,斯奈德说, 在他的任期内,谁将职业的未来确定为他关注的领域之一. “There’s a lot of good that it can do; there’s a lot that it can help the [legal] profession with.”

“但问题是,我们如何确保我们的(靠谱的滚球平台)会员明白这一点. This will be a continuing discussion,” Snyder added.




Comment on Candidates for 高等法院 Appointment

D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission is inviting comments from the bench, 酒吧, 和公众就九名候选人竞聘D .空缺的资格进行谘询.C. 高等法院 created by the retirement of Judge Anita Josey-Herring.

D.C. 高等法院


高等法院 Order Allows CJCC to Access Juvenile Records

9月6日,哥伦比亚特区高等法院发布了第24-12号行政命令,授权刑事司法协调委员会(CJCC)进行检查, 编译, 并分析刑事司法和少年司法系统的数据,以便根据哥伦比亚特区第25-175号法律定期发布汇总数据.
